
Showing posts from May, 2021

What is Quality in Software Testing ? Quality Views, Quality Productivity, Software Quality, QA and QC.

What is Quality ? High levels of user satisfaction and low level of defect often associated with low complexity. Quality is another name of consistently meeting customer requirements, cost, delivery schedule and services offered. Quality views Customer's view : Delivering the right product. Satisfying the customers need. Meeting the customer with proper way. Supplier's view : Doing the right thing. Doing it the right way. Doing it right the first time. Doing it on time. Quality-Productivity Increase in Quality can directly lead to increase in productivity. Rework, Repairs and complaints are key factors affecting Quality and productivity. Direct relationship between Quality and cost of the process and product. Software quality includes activities related to both process and product. Software Quality SQA : Software Quality Assurance SQC : Software Quality Control SQA : The Monitoring and Measuring the strength of development process is called SQA. SQC  : The Validation of final p...

What are the different levels of Testing in Software Testing? Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, User Acceptance Testing.

 The different l evels of testing are :- Unit Testing  Integration Testing  System Testing User Acceptance Testing   UNIT TESTING Unit test is a smallest testable piece of software. Unit test is a procedure used to validate that individual unit of source code is working properly. Before entering into the unit testing it should be gone through code review. Tests the functionality of units. Typically done by the developers not by testers. It is typically used to verify control flow, data flow and memory leak problems. Integrating Testing Integration is a process of combining and testing multiple components together. Starts at module level when various modules are integrated with each other to form a system. Considered interfaces on system. Focuses on design and construction of software architecture. Approaches of Integrating testing are :- Bottom Up Approach Top Down Approach Hybrid Approach (Critical Part First) Big Bang Approach What is Bottom Up Approach ? Process o...

What is VV Model in Software Testing? Explain Verification and Validation.

V V Model  This model is called Verification and Validation Model. V V Model is the classic software development model and testing model. For each phase, the subsequent phase becomes the verification (QA) phase and the corresponding testing phase in the other arm of the V becomes the validating (QC) phase. Testing of the product is planned in parallel with a corresponding phase od development. Build  An executable file of application which is released from development team. An integrated application with all modules released by the development team is called as a build. What is Verification in testing ? Verification also known as quality assurance. Verification typically involves reviews and meeting to evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements and specifications. It determines consistency, correctness and completeness of Program at each stage. Verification checks whether we are building the product right. Disciplined approach to evaluate whether a software product fulfills...

What is Software Testing and Why Testing is necessary ?Principles, STLC , SDLC-Model, Agile-Model, V-Shaped Model, CMMI-Levels.

INTRODUCTION OF SOFTWARE TESTING What is Software Testing ? In software testing is not sufficient to demonstrate that the software is doing what is supposed to do. "Software testing can also be stated as the process of validation and verification that a software program/ application/ product." Work as expected according to the business and technical requirements. Works consistently and predictably. Process of  filing defect i.e. variance between Expected results and Actual results. Process of executing a software program application with intent of finding errors. Why testing is necessary ? Software Testing is necessary to make sure the product or application is defect free, as per customer specifications. It is necessary because software should be error free, efficient, secured.  "Software Testing identifies faults whose removal increases the software quality and increases the software's reliability." More complex the program, more the testing effort is required...